Blogger Tricks

18 Jun 2012

Which Smartphone OS Is Best for Enterprise?

Which Smartphone OS Is Best for Enterprise? Which smartphone people prefer depends on many things: design, user experience, applications available, enterprise support and security, camera, cloud services, voice-activated services, and performance issues such as browser speed. Openness–the ability to customize the phone without limitation—is also important to some people. In this regard, Apple and Google sit on opposite ends of the spectrum with Microsoft somewhere in between.
Really, all of these platforms are excellent. While Apple, Google, and Microsoft compete on user experience, applications, and great features, enterprise security is more tricky.
For one thing, not all app stores are created equal. For example, to submit an app to the Android Market a developer only needs a Google account and $25. Apple analyzes each app to make sure it works properly. Microsoft is most restrictive: Not only does it check out apps, but also you must be a registered and validated Microsoft ISV to submit at all. Even so, all three companies have had malware distributed through their app stores.
The main differences emerge once an app is on the phone. With Apple, each application runs in its own sandbox, which defeats many attacks because the app can’t access the sensitive data you protect. But shared data such as contacts, phone numbers, or files is still vulnerable.
Google not only uses a sandbox but also prevents what shared data an app can access by asking the user to approve app permissions.
Windows Phone 7 uses a similar approach, but also makes anonymous some shared data that Google doesn’t, such as your phone’s serial ID and phone number, making for even more privacy.
While Apple has been coming out with more enterprise APIs, Google is catching up. Most of the Master Data Management providers don’t support the Windows Phone 7 platform or if they do, they only provide a few features, such as remote wipe and enforcing a passcode.
The BlackBerry is still the gold standard.
For a full-blown comparison of iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 for the enterprise, go toInformationWeek.