Blogger Tricks

13 May 2012

Virus & Worms – Virus Analysis

Spyware Overview 
• Spyware is a piece of software that gets installed on computer without your consent.
• It collects your personal information without you being aware of it.
• Change how your computer or web browser is configured and bombard you with online advertisements.
• Spyware programs are notorious for being difficult to remove on your own and slows down your PC.
• A program gets installed in the background while you are doing something else on Internet.
• Spware has fairly widespread because your cable modem or DSL connection is always connected.

Network Side Operation

Client Side Operation

Difference Between Virus,Worms & Trojans

• Virus is an application that self replicates by injecting its code into other data files.Virus spreads and attempts to consume specific targets and are normally executables.
•Worm copies itself over a network.It is a program that views the infection point as another computer rather than as other executables files on an already infected computer.
• Trojan is a program that once executed performs a task other than expected.