Blogger Tricks

18 Jun 2012

Microsoft’s Not Competing With the iPad - Not Entirely

Microsoft's Not Competing With the iPad — Not Entirely Microsoft’s new Surface tablet computer is not an iPad competitor. It’s an ultrabook competitor.
I mean, of course it’s an iPad competitor, but it would appear Microsoft is going after other segments of portable computing as well. The company announced the new device on Monday afternoon in Los Angeles.
There’s a significant population out there, people who look at an iPad and say, “I like it, but can I get one to replace my laptop? Even for just some of the time?” And the honest answer has always been, “No.” The iPad has plenty of accessories, but it’s not a productivity device.
The Microsoft Surface tablet has covers--in five colors--that serve as keyboards.Microsoft
The Microsoft Surface tablet has covers–in five colors–that serve as keyboards.

Microsoft’s answer to this question seems to be: “Of course you can!” The new Surface runs Windows — either a lightweight, tablet-friendly Windows RT version or the original gangster Windows 8. It has a keyboard. The Pro version has a stylus.
So there are some big ifs here, and I’m not even getting into software or “ecosystems.” If Microsoft can deliver a satisfying PC experience through its devices and accessories, then all those manufacturers who pegged their hopes on the super-thin, super-light “ultrabook” model have something to worry about.
And the other big if is whether Microsoft, which is clearly trying to make the Surface more things to more people, can match Apple in creating something that is not only productive but delightful as well.
Apple’s direction is clear on the iPad. Sure, there are keyboards you can buy and other accessories that will sort of turn it into a Frankenbook, but you don’t get the impression that the company really buys into that sort of thinking. “This is a touchscreen device,” the company seems to say. “It’s super at things that touchscreens are super at. If you’re more interested in a computing environment, may we direct your attention to these lovely laptops we have over here.”
See, therein lies the difference. Last week, Apple announced some new laptops. This week, Microsoft announced something that it hopes can replace some laptops.
Is that a bolder vision, or a more misguided one? Is Microsoft more forward-thinking to presume an age where these two devices truly merge? Or is Apple’s adherence to a certain purity of thought — the right device for the right purpose — a more perceptive way to interpret how we use computers, and how we will use them in the future?
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