Blogger Tricks

13 Jun 2012

iPhone 5: 15 most-wanted features

Still waiting for iPhone 5
  • New slimmer, lighter design.
  • Better battery life.
  • Larger screen.
  • Support for high-speed 4G data network.
  • "Wireless" charging.
  • A6 processor with faster graphics chip.
First, an apology to those who've read this article before in its various iterations, you probably have a bad case of deja vu.

Truth be told, I originally published this column shortly after the iPhone 4 came out back in June 2010, which is why you see a lot of dated comments -- but they are fun to read.
Hopefully, this will be the last update, but you never know, considering how long this whole waiting-for-iPhone-5 saga has gone on.

As those of you who've read earlier versions of this column are aware, with the release of the iPhone 4S, Apple did include some features I was hoping would be in the iPhone 5, so the list is now shorter; it's been culled from 20 down to 15 features.

By popular demand, in this update I swapped in "Industry-standard micro-USB connector" and dropped "Removable battery," because, well, we know Apple we'll never do a removable battery. Also, since Apple has confirmed that FaceTime over cellular will be enabled with the release of iOS 6, I added that information to the text.

As a reminder, the 15 items in the list are ordered from least important to most in a reverse countdown. I've also included what I think are the odds of Apple actually implementing each request.