Blogger Tricks

15 Jun 2012

Firefox: Send Tabs to Google Chrome

Firefox: Send Tabs to Google Chrome
The Firefox web browser has been my main Internet browser for the past years. Some time ago I decided to disable the Flash plugin in the browser, which sometimes led to a situation where I had to use a different browser to access Flash contents on the Internet. My browser for choice for those situations is the Google Chrome web browser, which ships with am integrated version of Adobe Flash.
Whenever I encounter Flash contents in Firefox, a video, game or presentation for instance, I copy and paste the web address into Chrome to access the contents there.
The Firefox extension Open in Chrome has made this process a tad easier by eliminating the need to copy and paste the web address.
Once installed in Firefox, it can be used to send the active tab, or all open tabs of the active browsing window, to a version of Chrome that is available on the system. The extension tries to pick up the correct version of the browser automatically, and provides you with the means to pick a different location in the preferences.
This can be useful if you have multiple versions of the browser installed on the system, or if you’d like to use a portable version instead for that purpose.
The option to send tabs to Chrome from within Firefox is only listed in the Tools menu by default. You can however add it to the right-click context menu as well which makes the process more comfortable in my opinion.
You can alternatively add an icon to one of Firefox’s toolbars to use it for the functionality. This is done with a right-click on a blank part of a toolbar and the selection of customize from the context menu. Here you then need to find the open in Google Chrome icon and drag and drop it to one of the toolbars of the browser.
A left-click on the icon sends the active tab to Chrome, while holding down the Ctrl-key while left-clicking sends all of the tabs to it instead. You can modify the mouse buttons and keys in the preferences as well.
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