Blogger Tricks

21 Jun 2012

How to Add Navigation Menu Bar to Blogger Blog

How to Add Navigation Menu Bar to Blogger Blog [Updated] Without a navigation menu bar on your blog, it will be difficult to scroll through pages. creating menu tab below your blog header has been made simple with the outcome of this new blogger dashboard. you can now easily create menu tab on you blog and also direct the links to other external pages without using html codes. you can link your menu tabs to a page or post on your blog, a page on another blog, labels/categories, or any external link you want. in one of my post, i wrote how to add top navigation menu bar to blogger that will link to other external pages and not only static pages using html codes.

But with this new features on blogger dashboard, you can do every thing without the help of html codes. And in this tutorial, i will guide you on how to add navigation menu bar to your blogger blog without using html codes.

Creating navigation menu bar using this method will also display all your menu on blogger mobile template unlike when you are using the html code type.

To Get Started
Log in to your blogger dashboard and click on the blog you want to work with. If you are still using the old blogger dashboard, please switch to the new blogger dashboard at least for the purpose of this tutorial. Ok now after selecting the blog, click on Pages (see at your left hand side) as shown in the picture below

To create a new page like About me, Contact etc, just click on New Page then selectBlank page. you will see a page editor which you can use to create pages.
Now to link to other pages URL, get all the pages and external link URL you want to create menu tabs for, click New page and then select Web Address as shown in the picture below

A new window will pop up asking you to enter page title and URL  thus

Enter the name you want for the menu and the url address to the web page and save. The next thing to do is to choose how or where you want your menu tab to appear. so click on "Show Pages as" and set it to Top tabs this will make you menu tab appear below your blog header. Then save. see below picture

You can arrange your tabs and choose or hide the appearance of any menu on you blog. to do this, go to Layout and select edit then you should see a new pop up window. here you can select menu tabs you want to be visible by ticking it or untick if you want to hide it. you can also rearrange it accordingly by dragging and dropping to change the order of menu tabs. save your work and preview you blog to see the changes that' all.