Blogger Tricks

21 Jun 2012

Blogger Team release new SEO Features for Blogger Platform Explained

Blogger Team release new SEO Features for Blogger Platform Explained Blogger Team has now come out to make blogging on blogger platform simple and easy by introducing new exciting seo features for platform. Making sure that all blogger post, and images are index accurately and appears in search engines correctly. In terms of development, blogger team is now trying all possible best to compete with its biggest competitor wordpress by introducing some SEO features on its platform. Most people believed that is not fully optimized for search engine, but now the blogger team has surprise every one with the introduction of the following features which includes:

1. Meta Description for main and individual posts,

2. Custom redirection for broken links,

3. 404 error pages,

4. Custom robots.txt for advance users,

5. custom robot header tags features for advance users, and

6.  Nofollow attribute for post editor,
This has solve a lot of problems of wrong post description appearing in social networks like Facebook, twitter and Google+ which has now been resolved with the use of Meta Tags for posts and pages. In other to start using these SEO for blogger features, first you will have to enable the search preference on your blogger dashboard, to reveal the other seo features so that you can also activate or rather set them as well.

We will have to consider these features one after the other so that we can understand these technical SEO terms clearly. In your blogger dashboard, select the blog which you want to use that is if you have many, Go to Settings, click on Search Preference, you will see three sub-sections which are very very important. read info below and apply them meticulously.

Meta Tags:
Meta tags here refers to meta description and its functions on a blog is to tell readers what the blog is all about when it appears on search engine result page. Under this sub topic, we will explain both meta tags that is how to add meta tag for main blog and individual post. You can read this post how to add meta tags to blogger blog to improve blog SEO in other to have a clear understanding.

Before now, you can enter meta tag description for blogger blogs in your blogger template manually but now, by enabling this feature, you can enter meta description for each post using the blog post editor. first of all, enter the main meta description for your blog before you start using meta description for individual post. to do this, 

1. Click the Edit link under Meta tag after clicking on settings, and choose enable search description radio button in the box,

you will have to define your blog in a simple words and it should not be more that 150 characters including spaces. write the same description that you have writing manually in your blog template where you add a meta tag description. then click save change. If you are using a custom template, then this description might not work for you, so you will have to insert some codes inside your template. copy this code,

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

go to your blog template and paste it there. click on DesignEdit HTML and paste the code below 

and save your template. Ok now for

Meta Description for Post
After writing a post, go to your post editor you will see post description box by the right hand side under Post Settings, Enclosure links, enter a brief description of your blog post and save it by clicking done. Also do not forget to do this for each post of your blog and include relevant keywords too. see screen shot below

Note: Write only one line description for each post with no more than 150 characters and at most 15 keywords or phrases. By doing this, your individual post will attract more visitors because each page will be tag with a clean description that defines it.

Errors and  Re directions:
Under errors and re directions, you will find custom page not found and custom redirects options. And we will try to explain these features vividly here.

1. Custom page not found
If your check inside your Google webmaster tool, you will see several links which are broken or no longer in existence on your blog. Maybe because you have remove it from your blog content or they got deleted without your consent. If any person clicks on this link, it will land on a 404 page not found error page. This can create a negative impression on the person thinking that your blog no more exist. so you will have to create a custom 404 error page by writing a message to let the person know when they land on a missing page that, it was just a bad link and your blog is still active. But this is a separate topic entirely so please go and read this post here how to create a custom 404 error page for your blog.

2. Custom Redirection for Broken links
This option simply redirect a deleted page to another existing page or post. with these feature, you can also redirect all broken links to your homepage and it can really increase your blog's homepage URL PageRank. Click the Edit link near custom redirects, see screen shot below

Click the box to simplify the options and you will get a From and To options, insert your deleted link inside the From box and the link of the new destination or of your homepage inside the To box. Click to save changes. see screen shot below

Crawlers and Indexing:
Note this third option has to be used with caution. using it incorrectly can result in your blog been ignore by search engines but don't you worry, you can still use it if you follow this method carefully.

Inside this section, you will find two options which are custom robots.txt and customrobot header tags. i will not be talking about the custom robot.txt option but only how we can manage the setting for custom robot header tags. custom robot header tags let us control how you want your individual page to be indexed and served to readers on search result page. You should use the following settings in other to keep things simple. Click on the Edit link close to the robot header tags, check the yes radio button to enable custom robot head tags, then check the boxes exactly as shown in the picture below.

Note that, this recommended settings will tell search engines to index your home page and all its content, post and pages but must not index archives and suggested description from Open Directory Project and Yahoo! Directory.

rel nofollow:
rel nofollow option also is another new and friendly SEO features added to blogger blog. Nofollow is a way of telling search engines not to follow or crawl a particular links on your blog page. in general, Google does not transfer PageRank or anchor text across these links. you can read more about rel nofollow here.

Internal links on your blog should never be tagged as nofollow because links with nofollow tags will not be crawl.  except when linking to a low quality site or a site you don't trust.

When you want to create a link in your post, you will see two options,

1. Open this link in new window
2. Add rel="nofollow" attribute

You can choose to open a link in a new tab if it is pointing to an external site or choose the nofollow option if you are linking to a low quality sites or sites that you don't trust.

These are the few SEO features release recently on blogger platform by the blogger team. if you have any other new blogger features that are not stated hear, please drop it through the comment box below.