Blogger Tricks

13 May 2012

Memory Management Algorithms

1. First-fit:

          It is simplest algorithm.

          Memory manager scans list of holes and allocate first hole that is big enough.

Searching always starts at beginning of set of holes and stop as soon as it finds a free hole this is large enough to satisfy memory requirement of current process.

Hole is broken into 2 parts. One for process and one create a hole except it is exact fit.

Advantage: it is fast because it searches as little as possible.

2. Next-fit:

It is a minor variation in first-fit.

It works same as first fit except, it keep track of its position in list of holes. Means it keeps track that where it stopped when it find a suitable hole in next-fit search.

When next-fit is called again, it starts searching from place in list of holes where it stopped in previous next-fit search. Not like first-fit, which always start searching form first hole in list?

Disadvantage: experiment shows next-fit gives slightly worse performance than first-fit.

3. Best-fit:

It searches entire list and takes smallest hole that is big enough to satisfy memory requirement.

Instead of breaking a big hole (that might be needed later), best-fit tries to find a hole that is close to actual required size.

          It produces smallest leftover hole.

Disadvantage: it is slower than first-fit because it must search entire list every time.

Also, it results in more wasted memory than first-fit or next-fit because it creates tiny useless holes.

  4. worst-fit:
There is a problem of tiny hole when we are searching nearly exact match for a process.

Allocate the largest hole. We search in entire list and find the largest available hole. So that the broken hole will be large enough and can be used to satisfy requirement of other process.

Disadvantage: Experiment shows that worse fit is not a good idea.

 5. Quick-fit:
          It maintains separate list for some common size of requested memory.

For example, tables with n entered are maintained. First entry is a pointer to head of list of 4k holes. Second entry is a pointer to head of list of 8k holes. Third entry is a pointer to head of list of 12k holes and so on.

Odd sized holes like 21k can be put in 20k hole list or we can put it in a special list of odd-sized holes.

Whenever there is a request comes form new process, we find it in the hole list of the size requested by process.

If there is no list of requested size hole than we can search entire in list of odd-sized hole in a list which contain bigger hole than the requested size.

Advantage: finding hole of requested size is extremely fast.

Disadvantage: when a process is terminated or swapped out, we need to find its neighbors to check whether merging of holes are possible or not.

Here due to separate list of holes, the process of finding neighbors for merging will be expensive.

And if merging is not done, memory will contain large number of small holes that can not be utilized by any process.